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OVID Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database



Wolters Kluwer(威科)集团是全球五大出版集团之一(按2007年全球出版业收入)。Ovid隶属于威科集团的健康出版事业集团,与LWW、Adis等公司属于姊妹公司。Ovid发展到今天,已经成为全球最受欢迎的医学信息平台。根据TNS Global Image Study 2007年的报告,Ovid在医学信息服务领域,无论在技术领先性、数据质量以及用户检索体验等等上,均排在全球第一。仅在北美,93%的医学图书馆、97%的教学医院和87% 的美国医院(床位在200以上),以及30家最大医药企业均使用Ovid平台和医学数据库产品。


The Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database allows you to search simultaneously, a wide range of summarized and appraised evidence, to inform your practice. This comprehensive range of resources includes over 3,000 records across seven publication types: Evidence Based Recommended Practices, Evidence Summaries, Best Practice Information Sheets, Systematic Reviews, Consumer Information Sheets, Systematic Review Protocols, and Technical Reports.

Subject Area Nodes: Evidence organized into health care area/specialties. Only information specific to that health topic is included in each database.
